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Tankless RO AW-1901 V.S. Traditional design

Reverse osmosis system had been innovate day by day. In recent years, there is big improvement in reverse osmosis. There are many different new designs coming out. People are looking for more modern, light-weight and small sizes machine. The newest trend in water treatment system is the Tankless Design Reverse Osmosis System.

Brief introduction for Traditional RO.
Traditional design RO usually comes in 5stages of filter, or comes with 6/7stages of filter with additional of functional filter. It also comes with a storage tank to store filtered water, this is because the water flow is slow, and storing water in the tank could reduce the time waiting for water production. Both RO system and storage tank occupied large spaces in the kitchen, this is not friendly for small house. As for replacing filters, customers will need to turn off water inlet at first, and uses a wrench to open the filter housing. It would be a tragedy if customer forgot to turn off the water inlet, it might causes flood in the house.



Introduction for Tank less Design RO system.

Unlike traditional model RO system, the new design comes in two filters only and the sizes is much smaller without the storage tank. The first stage filter is PPC compound filter (PP+Carbon filter), while the second stage is 500GPD RO membrane. The filters is larger, higher capacity and longer lifespan. Customer can replace the filter easily by only one twist, and there is no need to turn off the water inlet.


HIGHLIGHTS of Tankless RO system.

By comparison, tankless design has more stylish design, convenient and suitable for small area.

And the advantages are tankless RO purification comes without water storage tank, the water flow is faster by coming out directly from the machine. Water production per day had been increased 10 times comparing to traditional model. There will be no risk of water leakage or causes flood in house.

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